

Doctor in the fields of English languages, literatures and civilizations (section 11 of the French National Council of Universities) and member of the CRESEM Research Centre at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (France), Diane Sabatier has been an Assistant Professor (~ Senior Lecturer) there since 2009.

Her research focuses on ethnic American writings from the 1990s to the present day. Firstly inspired by G. Anzaldúa, H. K. Bhabha, E. Glissant, W. Sollors and, among others, G. C. Spivak, her study of literature tackles notions such as in-betweens, hybridity, identity-relations, interculturality, intersectionnality and decoloniality.

She is developing the theoretical concept of “dissidentities”, elaborated in her Doctoral Dissertation entitled “Dissidentities”: American short story writers’ double absence/double belonging (1992-2003) defended at the University of Orléans (France). Through the analysis of short stories and novels, she continues her exploration of contemporary writers dissenting from the stereotyped representations of identities.

Diane Sabatier currently lectures on American culture and civilization and gives tutorials on English translation in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia.